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Installing Tor on Linux/UNIX/CentOS/Fedora/Amazon

I had a heck of a time trying to figure out how to install Tor onto my Linux box, and finally did figure it out, so I thought I’d give a little tutorial on it.

Basically, the issue I was having was that:

sudo yum install tor

was returning the error that no package named tor existed.

Sure, you might be able to build the source files, but in my experience that wasn’t installed, and trying to install it came up with more dependencies that could not be installed or found. This is the sound of spinning tires.

The first three items on the Expert Guide at Tor provide details on how to install Tor. They might change, and in the best interest of security, I’m going to say go there to find out where to get the install files.

If you’re using Fedora or CentOS, see this guide on Finding a List of Your Repos on your Operating System (OS), which will most likely be some sort of UNIX Linux distro since Windows machines don’t have repos!

The short solution is:

  • yum repolist all
    – shows you a list of all repos available on your computer
  • sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
    – opens the EPEL repo for editing, as it’s likely you have something in here that’s not enabled yet that will work
  • change the main repo to enabled=1
  • sudo yum install tor

To check whether Tor is installed:

sudo /etc/init.d/tor status

Which should show you something like:

tor is running (pid: 2944)

This means it’s running!

Head here to check out how to run multiple SOCKS for your Tor.



1 thought on “Installing Tor on Linux/UNIX/CentOS/Fedora/Amazon”

  1. Pingback: Creating Multiple Instances of Tor, Giving Multiple IP Addresses « Coding « Teition Solutions

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