Interface: SSH
Engine: Magento 1.8
Plugin: Organic Internet’s Simple Configurable Products
Organic Internet’s Simple Configurable Products is a handy Plugin if you’re creating Configurable Products, and wish to only have to set the price of the Simple Product, and not on every Configurable Product. This way, you can change your what-cha-ma-call-it from 4$ for the small to 5$ by only changing it on the Simple Product, not on every single Configurable Product in your store. If you have 100 configurable items (or even 5 for that matter) in your store, trust me, this is a good thing.
So, what I had done is first create my Simple Products that I was going to be associating with my Configurable Product, then I created my Configurable Product. All was good.
Then I added this handy Plugin: “Simple Configurable Products”, and changed a few things around, and noticed that I had to re-index a few things in the Index Manager (this was a warning at the top of the page). When I went to the Index Manager, my Price-Indexer wasn’t re-indexing for me.
Obviously this isn’t acceptable since prices do change.
I dug around a while, and there is already a lot of information out there on this solution, but it was still kind of hard to find the right solution.
The Solution
There is a GitHub forum around this exact issue. It has the solution I’ll be relaying here.
To solve this issue, go into the file located at:
and add the following code:
line 87 -> 'group_price' => new Zend_Db_Expr('pi.group_price'), line 88 -> 'base_group_price' => new Zend_Db_Expr('pi.group_price'), line 131 -> 'group_price', line 132 -> 'base_group_price',
Note: I always try to make my code align with the way it’s done in the file. This one was a bit tricky!
The Tools
I ran into a problem though when I was trying to access this file my usual ftp way (I use Notepad++). So, I ended up having to use SSH directly and alter the file using the command:
sudo vi [path to magento folder]/app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product/Indexer/Price/Configurable.php
The commands when using vi are fairly straight forward.
i = insert
esc = exit insert
:wq = save and quit
Hope this helps!
This article referenced:
- Organic Internet’s Github Fix
- There’s also a bit of information about this in the Magento Forum too, which I didn’t have to use.
I tired with the above info and it didnt work.
Can you send me your configuration.php file?
Rishi, please copy/paste your code in here and hopefully we can identify where the problem is.
Hey ned,
i used the fixed github file ( which contained your changes already. I am hanging for days on this problem, but there is now way to reindex with the aktiv scp extension… Maybe you have even another advice?!
Dear Thomas, this is the solution that worked for me. As I mentioned, I did have some troubles with adding the code. Make sure it has all been added properly, as even a dot can make it not work, and saved.
Ned thanks for posting this. Everything seems to work now, but when I try to reindex price data it goes to my host’s stock 404 page. Hitting the back button shows that the price data has been reindexed but the 404 error is still there any time I try to reindex. Have you had any luck getting this to work with community edition 1.8? I would appreciate any help with this as I am not a coder. Others seem to have this same issue but no website has pointed towards a fix yet.
Aaron, this does sound like an issue I’ve seen before, but I can’t recall why it happened. A 404 error should produce some kind of input into the error log in your server, perhaps looking in there is a good start?
Thanks a lot.. This works. The necessity for these lines seems to depend on the Magento Version..
which version are you using and found it necessary for Mat?
I applied your solution in my Magento 1.8.1 and everything now works fine.
Thank you very much.
Hey Giovanni! Very glad it worked out!
I’m busy with testing a new webshop using Magento for the very first time. This one solved my problem! After installing the SCP Add on, Magento gave an error when I wanted to re-index the index product prices. I’ve looked around for ages and finally I found your solution. You are my hero!
I did the same thing in Magento 1.9.1.
Claudia, I’m so happy that this worked for you! Happy selling!
Thank you very much!
its work!
That worked!!! Thank you very much — I was hoping it would be this simple
I’ve been stuck on this issue for 4 days! thanks so much – RESOLVED 😉
So happy to hear it worked my man. If it’s still an option, I’d suggest migrating to a WordPress e-commerce store. So much easier and friendly and glitch free.
Hey Mate,
Thanks a lot!! It works for me in 1.9.1 version.
Thanks Again!!
Thanks code works for me……
not works in
It worked with Magento
Thank you Ned
Glad to hear Khan!