program: Mozilla Thunderbird
plugin: Manually Sort Folders
Mozilla Thunderbird is a program that operates very similar to Microsoft Office’s Outlook. I say this because most people are familiar with Microsoft’s mail program, whether it’s Outlook or Outlook Express. It’s an email handling program:
Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize – and it’s loaded with great features!
What I like about Thunderbird over Outlook is that Thunderbird is free and open to plug-ins, much like Mozilla’s Firefox.
The Problem
Out of the box, Thunderbird doesn’t allow you to re-order the email account folders or even the email accounts themselves that show up in the left hand panel of the program. For those of us that are fairly picky when it comes to organization (read: OCD), this becomes a nagging problem!
Fear not, there’s a plugin!
The Solution
Enter: Manually Sort Folders
This plugin will allow you to re-arrange all your folders within Mozilla Thunderbird without any fuss = heaven.
To install it, open Thunderbird and go to the top menu->tools->add ons
This will open up a new tab within Thunderbird. In the top right, search for: Manually Sort Folders.
The result will show you the exact result, click -> Install on the left hand side. Upon installation, Thunderbird will need to restart, and Manually Sort Folders will be installed. Now to sort!
Once this is installed, you will see in the menu along the top of Thunderbird->tools->Manually sort folders. Selecting this will open up a Settings Dialog box where you can sort your folders. You will notice that upon ‘Sorting Accounts’ you will be required to restart Thunderbird. Simply sorting the folders within an email account you will only be required to refresh folder list.
Hope this helps!