Windows has built in utilities to install software. These are screens that show you progress bars, and ask you a whole lot of questions about what is happening. Sometimes, using this installation method, a program can be prevented from installing correctly.
There is an alternative, and it comes in the form of /s. Yes, that’s backslash s.
How to use this?
- Run command prompt ( start -> run -> type: cmd )
- Change directory to the one that your program is in, using the command: cd D: where D is followed by the directory structure locating your application.
- Once you’re at the right place it, the command screen should look like: D:FolderWithProgram>
- To install the program in silent mode, type: ProgramName.exe /s
After you do this, everything should work as desired.
Our article with some tips on using Command Prompt might be useful as well.